When saying NO means saying YES
I am learning to have more boundaries. I know, kind of late in the game to be acquiring this skill; better late than never.Part of saying NO (thank you) is being able to weather the sting of turning someone down. I have a wonderful, replete life filled with people I love, care about, and want to spend time with. Some of the saying NO means I am choosing to be away from them. This doesn't feel good, and I learn to live with the discomfort. I am choosing to say "no" to one thing to say YES to another. This feels selfish. It is. I am learning to be SELF-ish.

I needed clay. I had to decline some wonderful friendship opportunities this past weekend. I had to say no to some otherwise really fun stuff. I had to do this so I could sit down at the wheel with a few pounds of mud and make something for no reason. I made pieces that I crunched up and put back into the clay bag, I made pieces that started out as one thing and became another. I allowed myself to be a newcomer, a neophyte, a beginner and that took the (self induced) pressure off. And the next day I needed to follow up; trim and decorate. First time at the wheel in over a year. I needed to do this just for myself and not for sale, a gift or to explain or teach.
Well, I also needed a yoga class, particularly after that first day of throwing; my body was out of whack. And rather than DO IT MYSELF; I was determined, in the name of self care, to lay down my mat in front of another teacher and to be cared for. It was perfect.
By creating boundaries in my life I was able to find freedom: freedom to play, freedom to create and freedom to be a human BEing - rather than a human doing. As the result of saying no AND saying yes I am refreshed.
The courage to change: from being an active addict and codependent to being a woman in recovery. The courage to change: from a driven woman to one who can let go of the steering wheel: I wish each and everyone one of you the strength to say NO in order to say YES.
Kyczy Hawk E-RYT200, RTY500 is the author of "Yoga and the Twelve Step Path", a leader of Y12SR classes, and the creator of SOAR(tm) (Success Over Addiction and Relapse); a teacher certification training that she holds with her good friend Kent Bond E-RYT500. Find out more about her, her classes and the training at yogarecovery.com