I added a comment to the quote that rather than “preparing for a crash” (with clean underwear) we prepare for the day living in the divine energy of our true selves and the light of our Higher Power. What could go wrong with such a reframing of our morning ablutions: to prepare for living in the light, rather than preparing for an accident? Well, alert reader DF (you know who you are) fired back an email that made me laugh out loud: “So.. should I go commando?” After ruminating on this comment all day I thought “heck yea!” we should all be in spiritual commando!
Let go of roles, let go of the masks, let go of the shields that separate us from one another and that keep us hidden from our true self. So, yes, take a spiritual bath in the morning, washing away any leftovers from the day or night before (saucha). Adorn yourself in your best garments of all the yamas and the niyamas, and go out into the day- naked, but for your true self. Yes, you spiritual warriors, Go Commando!
Kyczy Hawk E-RYT200, RTY500 is the author of "Yoga and the Twelve Step Path" ans "Life in Bite Sized Morsels", a leader of Y12SR classes, and the creator of SOAR(tm) (Success Over Addiction and Relapse) a teacher certification training.
Follow her ONLINE recovery infused yoga classes
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